Are Probiotics the Secret to a Healthier Gut?

Probiotics are everywhere – from supplements and live-culture yoghurts to kombucha and sauerkraut. With the probiotics industry now valued at around $40 billion, you might be wondering, is all this buzz about gut health just good business or truly good for our bodies?

Les Mills and Collective Fitness want to help you get to the core of this gut health conversation with insights from Professor Roger Lentle, a leader in digestive biomechanics. His research delves into the complex bacterial ecosystem within our digestive tracts and provides practical, evidence-based advice on nurturing a balanced gut.

What Are Probiotics?

Simply put, probiotics are live micro-organisms that may offer health benefits when taken in adequate amounts. They work by supporting the delicate balance of our gut’s “good” bacteria, which plays a big part in our overall health and wellbeing. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that probiotics don’t stay in our systems permanently – regular intake is needed to maintain their benefits.

The Gut and Modern Lifestyles

Our gut flora has evolved alongside our diets, adapting to what we eat. In today’s world, processed foods and low-fibre diets are more common than ever, potentially impacting the variety of bacteria living in our guts. Professor Lentle’s advice? Return to a balanced, natural diet with plenty of fibre and whole foods. Avoid processed foods, sugars, and refined fats, as they don’t offer the same nourishment for our gut bacteria.

Gut Health and Immune Support

The immune system and the gut are closely connected, with certain gut bacteria supporting immune responses. Professor Lentle explains that diverse bacteria help protect us by taking up “space” in the gut, making it harder for harmful organisms to take hold.

The Takeaway for Gut Health

While probiotic supplements are helpful, diet and lifestyle are equally important. Focus on whole foods, fibre, and avoiding overly processed options to create a supportive environment for your gut microbiome.

For a healthier gut and a more balanced lifestyle, it’s time to take action. Join our Collective365 programme and start working directly with James, who brings expert coaching to help you reach your health goals. Or if you would just like to ask him a question, reach out to us by clicking the button below.


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